Give a brief explanations about their policy and invention for each oh them:
Herman William Daendels
Thomas Stamford Raffles
Van Den Bosch
Van der Cappellen
Willem Janssen
1.Herman William Daendels
In 1785, he sided with the Patriots, who had seized power in several Dutch cities. In 1786 he defended the city of Hattem against stadholderian troops. In 1787, he defended Amsterdam against the Prussian army that invaded the Netherlands to restore William V of Orange. After William V was in power again, he fled to France because of a death sentence. Daendels was close witness to the French revolution.
He returned to the Netherlands in 1794, as a general in the French revolutionary army of general Charles Pichegru and commander of the Batavian Legion. Daendels helped unitarian politician Pieter Vreede to power in a coup d'état on 25 January 1798. The group behind Vreede was dissatisfied with the conservative-moderate majority in parliament, which tried to prevent the formulation of a more democratic, centralistic constitution. The reign of Vreede did not bring the expected results, however, and Daendels supported another coup d'état against Vreede on 14 June 1798. In the Batavian Republic Daendels occupied several political offices, but he had to step down when he failed to prevent the Anglo-Russian Invasion of Holland in 1799, and became a farmer in Heerde, Gelderland.
Louis Bonaparte made Daendels colonel-general in 1806 and Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in 1807. After a long voyage, he arrived in the city of Batavia (now Jakarta) on 5 January 1808 and relieved the former Governor General, Albertus Wiese. His primary task was to rid the island of Java of the British Army, which he promptly achieved.[citation needed] He built new hospitals and military barracks, a new arms factories in Surabaya and Semarang, and a new military college in Batavia. He demolished the Castle in Batavia and replaced it with a new fort at Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara), and built Fort Lodewijk in Surabaya. However, his best-known achievement was the construction of the Great Post Road (Indonesian: Jalan Raya Pos) across northern Java from Anjer to Panaroecan. The road now serves as the main road in the island of Java, called Jalur Pantura. The thousand-kilometre road was completed in only one year, during which thousands of Javanese forced labourers died.[2]
He displayed a firm attitude towards the Javanese rulers, with the result that the rulers were willing to work with the British against the Dutch. He also subjected the population of Java to forced labour (Rodi). There were some rebellious actions against this, such as those in Cadas Pangeran, West Java.
There is considerable debate as to whether he increased the efficiency of the local bureaucracy and reduced corruption, although he certainly enriched himself during this period
Thomas Stamford Raffles

In 1800 , the British blockade of the Dutch mounting . Dutch - standing position that exists outside of Java ( only Ambon rather strong ) by the British . Thus Ambon , Gorontalo , Banda , Ternate , practical can be mastered. Not with Java , apparently still strong defense and military calculations require more serious . But the decision was not taken by the British in India helm . However , preparations for the attack had been carried out since the Java earlier times ( Dekker , 1993) .In 1808 began to take a new age in the Java - European relations . Holland had been under French rule since 1795 . In connection with the growing centralization of power , then the Bonaperte Napoleon raised his younger brother, Louis Napoleon as ruler in the Netherlands in 1806 . In 1808, Louis sent Marshal Herman Willem Daendels to Batavia to become governor -general ( 1808-1811 ) and to strengthen the defense of Java as a base against the British in the Indian Ocean . On his way Daendels not bring new troops with even wear an American flag to avoid attacks or obstacles England in India . In the absence of forces that brought him immediately to form an army consisting of mostly made up of people of Indonesia , numbered from 4000 to 18000 people ( Ricklefs , 2005) .Heavy pressure against the British blockade paralyzing Dutch coffee exports , which is one major source of income . Under Daendels economic atmosphere that is both revolutionary and dictator is broken . In addition to her hatred come from all walks including the Europeans themselves . That is to combat fraud and corruption surrounding the administration Europe many failures ( Ricklefs , 2005) . One example Daendels actions that only produce hatred are as follows , as noted above , that Ambon is still maintained by the Netherlands in a small size . There is placed a French colonel named Filz . As a result of the British attack Filz surrender . He was released by the UK and then went to Batavia to take responsibility for his actions . The result is poor even dimarahinya colonel and later sentenced to death ( with the shot ) , it is an irresponsible act by a leader like Daendels . The resistance in various places on the all hard Daendels of the Indonesian nation , among others, are Banten , Cirebon , and Yogyakarta ( Dekker , 1993) .In 1811 , Thomas Stamford Raffles included in group expedition to Java as Lieutenant Governor under the orders of the Governor -General ( in India ) Sir Gilbert Elliot - Murray - mond Kynyn or better known as Lord Minto , until 1817 . Lord Minto like Raffles because kecerdikanya , skills , and abilities in the Malay language , so he was sent to Malacca . Not long after arriving in the land of Java after the French controlled the Kingdom of the Netherlands , Raffles set up a military expedition against the Dutch in Java . The raid was led by Admiral Robert Stopford , General Watherhall , Colonel Gillespie2 ( Raffles , 2008) and in addition come too Tuntang General Auchmuty3 where capitulation is a sign that officially ended the Dutch - French history in Indonesia. Here are the contents of the Tuntang capitulation was signed by the British and Auchmuty from Janssen from the Netherlands , on 18 September 1811 :The whole Java submitted to the UKAll the soldiers became prisoners and all employees who want to work together with the UK , may continue to hold officeAll of debt that the Dutch government first , it will not be borne by the British .A week before the capitulation Tuntang , Raffles has been appointed as the Lieutenant Governor -General but central control remains in Calcutta ( Dekker , 1993) .In case like this there is also a difference in the assessment of the Netherlands between Lord Minto with Raffles . The emergence of these two very different streams that flow Lord Minto that being soft and open to the Dutch who have lost and want to use the building and force them back as long as loyal to Britain , and Raffles flow that is hate against anything that smells Netherlands saw as the stodgy and cruel .After takhluknya Netherlands from the British , the Indonesian archipelago is fully under the control of British East India company and is divided into four administrative units of the government of Malacca , Bengkulu , Java , Maluku . With these administrative changes Maluku very lucky because a monopoly is not deleted but with more loosely defined , because the British East India Company had no financial interest to keep it tight like the Dutch system ( Vlekke , 2008) . When viewed as a whole revolution Daendels and Raffles equally the most important figures in the history of Indonesia, as the originator of the colonial revolution , a new policy that requires the implementation of the sovereignty and power of government administration throughout Europe whose goal utilizing Java , renew , or destroy institutions original items ( Rickefs , 2005) . Direct rule of the people by the government officials who are paid must replace the indirect rule through local intermediaries hereditary chiefs ( Vlekke , 2008) .Thomas Stamford Raffles was once the Governor General in a very short period in Java, which began in 1811 until 1816 . During kepemimipinannya , Raffles change the system of forced cultivation (culture stelsel ) imposed colonial Dutch , the land ownership system that most likely influenced by the early writings Dirk van Hogendorp , with landrente4 policy . The principle used is based on the theory of liberalism , as practiced in British India . As in the field of economy and finance Raffles provides that :all land belongs to the State , and the people as consumers ( tenants ) are obliged to pay land rent ( in the form of land tax ) to the government .Indigenous leaders like sultans and governors who do not obey the rules landrente , will be fired .Carry on the work done to the Netherlands for example, the sale of private land , and planting coffee , carry -free planting involving people in the trade.Salt monopolize trade in order not to be mocked preformance as very important for the people .Remove any submission compulsory and forced labor .
Van Den Bosch

In 1830 , the Dutch government appoint a new Governor General for Indonesia, John Van Der Bosch . Van Den Bosch is then issued policies famous . Ie cultuurstelsel or cultivation system . Adapaun background atutarn cultivation issuance are as follows· Cessation of production of export crops for system rental / land tax take .· Empty the state treasury due to the amount of funds allocated to quell the resistance of Prince Diponegoro (1825-1830) and the War of Independence Belgium .· The amount of debt the Netherlands .Pokok-pokok/aturan initial cultivation1 . The people are required to provide a fifth of the land planted unruk trade / export demand in export markets , such as sugar , coffee , indigo .2 . Land provided for the planting of commercial crops exempt from land tax .3 . More value / residual profits of the trade crops to farmers .4 . Commercial planting time jobs should not exceed the time to plant rice .5 . Commercial planting of crop failure on the government's responsibility .6 . Pengwasan the forced cultivation by indigenous officials ( regent ) .Cultivation system implementation1 . Plants that are required for planting commercial crops , often exceeding one fifth , reaching even half the land area farmers .2 . Residual profits from commercial crops taken by the government .3 . Work for commercial plant often exceeds the time to plant rice , so the rice growing areas of the people to be displaced .4 . Crop failure is the responsibility of farmers .5 . The existence cultuur prosenten ( percentage gain ) given to supervisors cultivation .Enforcement cultuur stelsel / cultivation system has a broad impact for the Dutch government and the indigenous people .a. Impact of cultivation against the Dutch government .- Revenue Dutch government had a surplus ( Batig Slot ) .- Dutch debts can be paid off .- The Dutch government can do the country development .b . Impact of cultivation on the indigenous people.- Narrowing of the total area of rice cultivation .- Menculnya famine in Demak and Grobogan ( 1849-1850 ) .- As a result of crop failures and famine .- The widespread forms of land ownership and their ( communal lands ) .- Indigenous people began to recognize the type of export crops and planting systems .

Multatuli Eduard Douwes Dekker alias is a controversial Ambtenaar for the Dutch colonial government . Instead of running the government's policy as Assistant Resident of Lebak , he even unpacked kebobrokannya . He particularly highlighted the practice of extortion , oppression , and corruption by the Regent Duke Kartanatanegara Hero Raden and his cronies . This event he profiled in the book Max Havelaar .This year even 150 year anniversary publication of literary works from the Max Havelaar was published for the first time in 1860 . Multatuli works ( I have suffered ) tells the story of the suffering of the people in Lebak residency . A novel which face to slap the Dutch colonial government at that time . Known, its contents unpacked ulcers Dutch colonial practice , the negative impact of cultivation ( culture system ) .Ironically , the central theme of the book is actually the practice of extortion , oppression , and corruption of our own nation , the regents and their subordinates . He instead protect and defend the interests of the people , but rather to act otherwise . Valley of the suffering of the people was complete : the Dutch colonized and oppressed their own people .The injustice caused Lebak resident assistant at the time, Eduard Douwes Dekker , sad and angry . Its call letters to the immediate supervisor , resident CP Brest van Kempen Duymaer or Governor -General AJ van Twist , in order to take action against perpetrators of dirty practices above , is not ignored .Only keputusasaanlah he got . This is what pushed him to resign . The request is accepted immediately . For the umpteenth time , Eduard Douwes Dekker returned must be unemployed . Previously he had stopped working due to dispute with his boss , Governor of Maluku . Now developed an assumption that the above incident was an impeachment against him ( aanklacht ) .The only and last as an expression of protest that could Eduard Douwes Dekker to do is to write . The book is written in a small inn in Belgium in 1859 when he was in a state of distress and poor
Van der Cappellen

actual colonial period in Javanese history began in 1830 . Government of the Netherlands for the first time able to exploit and control the entire island . There is no serious challenge to their rule until the 20th century . The Dutch also been able to engage directly in Java to remote areas . Finally achieved political domination throughout Java in 1830 . [ 1 ]The financial condition of the Netherlands in 1830 was not as smooth as with success mastering Java . Gains derived from its control in Java is used for military and administrative costs . The difficulty of the Dutch financial condition then pushing the Dutch government to make policies in the area of the colony. One of the financial rescue effort is the implementation of the system of forced cultivation or culturstelsel .Background CultivationThe main factor enactment cultivation system in Indonesia is the financial difficulties experienced by the Dutch Government . Dutch expenditures used to finance military purposes as a result of the Belgian War of 1830 in the Netherlands and the Java War or Diponegoro War ( 1825-1830 ) in Indonesia. The war ended with the independence of Belgium Belgium ( split from the Netherlands ) and the Dutch deteriorated financial causes . Diponegoro War is the most expensive war for the Dutch in the face of resistance from the natives which is about 20 million guilders . [ 2 ]Attempt to rescue the Dutch financial actually been done since the reign of Van der Capellen ( 1819-1825 ) . Van der Capellen implementing a policy that ensures the Javanese to use and reap the rewards of their land freely . Policies adopted when it is expected to drive the Javanese to produce products that can be sold so much easier for them to pay rent for the land . This policy is doomed to failure because of additional expenses caused by the Java War and the decline of tropical agricultural commodity prices in the world . [ 3 ]Dutch efforts are increasingly challenged because of international trade rivalries . The trade competition among the English party , and after the founding of Singapore in 1819 led to the role of Batavia in the small trade in Southeast Asia . Problems in the Indonesian region itself exacerbated by falling coffee prices in European trade , where coffee is a mainstay export product revenue for the Dutch .During the Java War lasted , the Dutch think of a plan to gain huge profits from its colonies , especially Java. In 1829 Johannes van den Bosch told the Dutch King proposals were later called culturstelsel . [ 4 ] Van den Bosch wants to make Java as a profitable asset homeland in the shortest possible time to generate tropical agricultural commodities , especially coffee , sugar , and indigo ( indigo ) , at low prices so that they can compete with similar products from other parts of the world . Van den Bosch recommends a system which he claims is more in accordance with the Javanese tradition , which is based on the cultivation and delivery of crops forced ( forced cultivation ) to the government . [ 5 ] King approve these proposals , and in January 1830 the Van den Bosch arrived in Java as the new Governor-General .Cultivation provisionsJohannes van den Bosch is managing the cultivation system , he was appointed Governor -General on January 19, 1830 and the basic rule contained in RR 1830. [ 6 ] cultivation system was introduced gradually from 1830 to 1835 and by 1840 the system has been running in Java .The main characteristics of the implementation of the cultivation system is imperative for the people to pay taxes in the form of taxes in kind , namely in the form of their agricultural products . The provisions of the cultivation system , contained in the Gazette ( gazetted ) No. . 22, 1834 . Main provisions include:1 . Indonesian people will provide most of the land planted their fields for which demand in European markets such as coffee , tea , sugar cane , and tilapia . Land was turned over not more than one-fifth of the village fields .2 . Part of the land which provided one-fifth as much rice area is free of tax .3 . Work to preserve these plants should not exceed the length of the work required to maintain their fields themselves .4 . Section of land provided for growing cash crops dibebasakan of land tax payments .5 . Results of the plant was submitted to the Government of the Netherlands and weighed . If the estimated cost exceeds the price of land rent to be paid by the people, the more shall be returned to the people . It aims to encourage the growers that cultivate and promote export crops .6 . Plants are damaged by natural disasters , and not due to laziness or negligence of the people , it will ditangggung by the pememrintah .7 . Implementation cultivation submitted to native servants , and the servants Europe only as a supervisor . [ 7 ]These provisions if further scrutiny seem not to overburden the people . But in practice , it is often stray far from the provisions to the detriment of the people and the very burden of the people .
Willem Janssen
late Willem Janssens (born in Nijmegen, October 12, 1762 - died at The Hague, May 23, 1838 at the age of 75 years) is the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies 37th. He replaces Herman Willem Daendels on February 20, 1811 and arrived at the Istana Bogor (Buitenzorg) on May 15, 1811.He began his term in a precarious condition. Many soldiers Daendels remains incompetent to be a soldier, so he easily defeated British and forced to surrender on 18 September 1811 to Thomas Stamford Raffles in Tuntang capitulation.Due to a very short reign, it can be said that he did not leave anything. Just as if he were assigned to keep the French flag fluttering in the Dutch East Indies for six months.See also